Mehmed Fetihler Sultani – The life of Fatih Sultan Mehmed, one of the most pivotal figures in Ottoman history, by also paralleling the significant milestones in the life...
The show is about a 14th century Turkish Sufi living in Anatolia and tells his spiritual journey over the course of his lifetime.
Salahaddin Ayyubi, also known as Saladin, is a legendary figure in Islamic history. He was a Kurdish Muslim leader who rose to prominence during the Crusades. Known for...
Salahaddin Ayyubi, also known as Saladin, is a legendary figure in Islamic history. He was a Kurdish Muslim leader who rose to prominence during the Crusades. Known for...
Salahaddin Ayyubi, also known as Saladin, is a legendary figure in Islamic history. He was a Kurdish Muslim leader who rose to prominence during the Crusades. Known for...
An epic journey with love, secrets and struggle for the pursuit of order in the world and justice.
The show is a prequel story of Awakening: the Great Seljuk. It depicts the life and triumphs of Sultan Alparslan, the second sultan of the Seljuk dynasty, whose...
Salahaddin Ayyubi, also known as Saladin, is a legendary figure in Islamic history. He was a Kurdish Muslim leader who rose to prominence during the Crusades. Known for...
The show is a prequel story of Awakening: the Great Seljuk. It depicts the life and triumphs of Sultan Alparslan, the second sultan of the Seljuk dynasty, whose...
The show is a prequel story of Awakening: the Great Seljuk. It depicts the life and triumphs of Sultan Alparslan, the second sultan of the Seljuk dynasty, whose...